Every day Environment and Experiences (E3) study-why do we do what we do (funded by the National Institute of Health-National Institute of Aging) 

This study is being conducted to better understand how people’s daily life, including how they feel and what they experience, affects their dietary habits and their daily physical activity, including commuting to and from work, and the number of stresses they feel. The study is in collaboration with other researchers at Columbia University, Northwestern University, and the University of Illinois at Chicago. Using daily physical activity and GPS location data we are creating a daily living activity space over one month. Nutrition and physical activity are measured using ecological momentary data collection via daily surveys during randomized time intervals several times daily, and via food detailed recall questionnaire. We obtain surveys before eating and drinking, or participating in exercise activities, and participants send photos of their foods and drinks they consume. This study is in the data analysis phase and is the first to create activity spaces outside of the neighborhood and will provide a unique insight into multiple factors that play a role in healthy aging.